The people behind Shofukan Projects – Shofukan director Joris van Nispen, coach and trainer Tini van de Wetering, artist Kees Ouwens, and architect Miki Inada – have been active in their fields across the globe for 30 years. We have done projects from Japan to the Netherlands, from Indonesia to the United States, and from Mexico to Belgium. The way we like to work is very personal and direct. So – if you decide to work with us, we would like to get to know you and your drives right from the start. That is why we don’t have a web shop, and don’t work with e-forms. Just give us a call, or drop us a message and we’ll get back to you a.s.a.p..
- Joris van Nispen
- Tini van de Wetering
- Kees Ouwens
- Miki Inada
For 13 years now, people have been visiting our Shofukan – the Japanese cultural centre in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) – to experience and practice the most important disciplines in traditional Japanese culture, and to get inspired by an authentic Japanese environment and vibe in the process. With Shofukan Projects, we bring this environment and vibe to you – wherever you live or work. On this web site, Shofukan Projects presents to you its unique co-operation with Kees Ouwens (Japan/Mexico) and Chiba Mokuten (Ehime, Shikoku). If you accept our challenge to bring an authentic piece of Japan to your living and/or working environment, Shofukan Projects is your partner from concept and design to implementation and completion. Evidently, this requires sound thinking and – in most cases – a reasonable investment, but our services and products are guaranteed to add priceless value to your way of living – and that of your customers. Follow our site menu to see for yourself and explore how we could make this work for you!